On Thursday, 4th August 2022, SAHPRA confirmed the "first" death directly linked to the covid-19 "vaccination". Whilst there were over 100 deaths reported, apparently no other deaths are "directly linked" to the "vaccinations". How this confirmation of death has been handled has left me dumbstruck. I recall how the "unvaccinated" were blamed for the high numbers of covid-19 in ICU post jab rollout. I also recall how the jabs were punted as the "saviour" of the pandemic. Its lustre waned rapidly to all those willing to see it for what it truly is. The first promises were that the jabs will prevent the transmission of the disease. Then it became - the jab will prevent serious illness and death. When more and more jabbed persons were getting admitted to hospital, the narrative changed to - get a booster to maintain protection. Now that deaths are being reported, a new committee NISEC (the National Immunisation Safety Expert Committee) has been established to determine the causal link. Who are the members of NISEC? How are they chosen? How is their say the last say? (Let's not even get into the "who pays NISEC" debacle). The Caring Healthcare workers' Coalition, a group of South African health practitioners have undertaken their own data gathering for jab adverse effects that they personally have seen. So far, 26 doctors have reported 17 deaths and hundreds of side effects. They believe that the C-19 "vaccination" was the cause of death in these 17 patients,Either way, one death is one too many. That SAHPRA continues to punt the jabs as the best solution to prevent serious illness and death in a disease that latest reports show mortality rate as low as 0,027% (started as a 5% to scare the masses), surely makes their tenets of "safety, efficacy, and quality" debatable. As soon as there was one death post jab being investigated, a body that truly cared about safety should have called for an immediate cessation of all vaccines. Instead, they continue to say "only one death" and "very very rare", "consistently been shown to prevent severe forms of disease, hospitalisation, and death". Sahpra's own Helen Reese said about the "one death" - "in this case, the Guillain-Barré Syndrome (and )that had already been noted as a risk (and is in the professional information). If we see that risk, we need to let the public know. But we need to say is it risk this size or is it a tiny risk this size? What is the risk of the disease itself?" Good question ! I ask you, and all medical professionals out there who have worked on the frontline, treating and managing patients with covid-19, can you (still) say with certainty that the "vaccination" is worth the risk? To all the "experts" and committee members responsible for investigating and confirming the causal link, I humbly invite you to spend a day at my practice. Witness how I spend my days now, AC (After Covid). BC (Before Covid), one of my biggest challenges was convincing a poorly controlled diabetic patient, that adding another oral hypoglycaemic (or insulin), as suggested by another prescribing doctor was not the only solution. The "side effects" of lifestyle modification were a healthier body with better sugar control without big pharma-punted drugs. Now, I spend hours counseling family members about how to manage personality changes in a loved one, finding suitable treatments for erratic and uncontrollable high blood pressure, brain fog, atypical skin lesions, recurring infections due to compromised immune system, and the like. There's only so much you can blame on pandemic fatigue especially when the one glaring common factor in over 95% of these patients described above is the covid-19 "vaccination". You don't have to take my word for it, or get a google fact checker to verify, come and spend a day with me and see for yourself. "Safety" is after all your concern right?
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